Dialogue Collection -1

1. A dialogue between a father and a daughter :

Father : Hello Baby. 

Daughter : Yes, papa. 

F : How are you, dear? 

D : Fine. Thank you papa. 

F : Don't say thank you baby, say quite well. 

D : Ok. Thank you. 

F : Where is your hair? 

D : It's here papa! 

F : What's the color of your hair? 

D : Black papa. 

F : How many eyes do have you? 

D : Two papa. 

F : How many hands do have you? 

D : Two papa. 

F : How many noses do have you? 

D : Noses! no papa nose. I do have only one nose. 

F : How many teeth do have you? 

D : I can't count them. 

F : Can you see them? 

D : No papa, I can feel them. 

F : Alright, show your tongue. 

D : It's here papa. 

F : How many ears do have you? 

D : Two ears. 

F : How many fingers do have you? 

D : Eight, papa. 

F : How baby? There ten fingers. 

D : No papa, there are two thumbs. 

F : But there are fingers in your feet also. 

D : No Papa they are all toes. 

F : You are a clever girl. 

D : Of course, I am. 

F : Won't you go to school today? 

D : No papa I am not feeling well. 

F : Have you given an application? 

D : Papa please write on for me. 

F : Why didn't inform your principal on the telephone? 

D : She will not believe me Papa. 

F : Why? 

D : I don't know Papa. 

F : Where is your mummy? 

D : She is in the kitchen. 

F : Why? 

D : How do I know Papa? 

F : Go and see what she is doing?

D : Ok. Papa wait I am coming. 

F : She comes back. 

D : She is preparing for breakfast table. 

F : Then let's go for breakfast. 

2. A dialogue between a house-wife and a hawker :

W : Excuse me.

H : Yes, please. Can I help you? 

W: I'd like to buy vegetables. Do you have onions? 

H: Here they are. How much? 

W: How much per kg? 

H: They are 80 taka per kg. 

W: Gosh! Very expensive. Yesterday I bought them 60/kg taka. 

W: What about cabbage? How much is it? 

H: It is 20 taka per kg. It is quite fresh. 

W: Everything is very expensive. 

H: What is cheaper now-a-days? 

W: Yes, it is very hard for a poor-man to survive. 

H: All the day we can earn only 100 or 150. 

W : Ok. Please give me 1 kg onion and ½ kg cabbage.

H: Here you are. 

W: How much? 

H: It's 90 taka. 

W: Here's the money. 

H: Thank you. 

3. A dialogue between two friends about importance of cable:

J: Have you got cable at your residence? 

G: Hadn't but have now. 

J: Why are some people so against it? 

G: Everyone has his own temperament. 

J: In your opinion, is it something good or bad? 

G: It itself isn't good or bad. It is its use that is good or bad. 

J: Don't you think most of the channels are sex-oriented. 

G: No doubt, there is touch of vulgarity in most of the channels. 

J: Then should I go for it or not? 

G : It depends on you. Some channels are very informative too.

J. But what to do in the presence of kids? 

G: One can make sort of policy. 

J: What's meant by policy? I am not getting you. 

G:I mean you can lock vulgar channels. 

J:Is it practically possible? 

G: Yes, it is. It is very simple. 

J: What sort of programmes do you prefer? 

G: Personally, I love religious channels. 

J: Are there scientific and sports channels too? 

G: Obviously it is understood. 

J: It means, I will have to think about. 

G: Don't think have it done. 

J: Actually my parents are also not in favor of it. 

G: My parents were too but now they are not that much. 

J: What channels they are interested in? 

G: They are just interested in religious channels. 

J: Don't worry, I am going to have it done. 

G : I think, you should take a step at the earliest.

J: Sometimes, I feel, I am lagging behind. 

G: Yes, you are.

 4. A dialogue between two friends about importance of village life and city life :

A: Have you any experience of living in slums? 

B: What to talk of experience. I do live in a slum. 

A: If it is so, then say something about the life over there? 

B: It is a good question. 

A: Whether it is or not. Say something about? 

B: Hold your horses. I am going to. Rather you tell me what is the difference between these areas and the posh areas of the city? 

A: There is a lot of difference. 

B: That's what I want to know. The people living in slums are very loving. 

A: What about the people of posh areas? Don't they love? 

B: Perhaps you didn't get me. They do love too, but generally speaking, people of slums are more caring. 

A: Yes, to an extent, you are right. 

B: Not to an extent it is almost an established thing. 

A: I have heard the people of those areas almost always go on fighting with one another. 

B: Who told you? This is, no way true. 

A: You can call it my observation. 

B: I regard your observation, but actual story is different from it. 

A: You are not being a bit biased? 

B : This is not bias. I am telling you what the fact is.

A: Yes, yes, expand a bit. 

B: Actually these petty quarrels themselves are an expression of love. 

A: Isn't it a bit awkward? 

B : In your book, it might be but actually it is not so.

A: I am still not clear. 

B: I will make it clear sometime later. 

5. A dialogue between two friends about food :

A: Let's dine out today. 

W : How nice! But haven’t had a bit since morning.

A: Yeah, the good lady (wife) is out. 

W: But I haven't any money on me. Who will foot the bill? 

A: I will sand a dinner. 

W: Let's then have our dinner at a restaurant. 

A: Where is the bill of fare? 

Waiter: What! Beg your pardon. 

A: Where's the menu? What's today's special? 

Waiter: Here's the menu, sir. 

A: Let's have one plate of polao and half a plate of chicken curry. 

W: How do you like it? 

A: Oh, it is too spicy. It just whips the tongue. 

W: Oh, it stings. My mouth is burning. 

A: How about sweets? 

W: Would you like to have some rasgullas? 

A: Yes, I should very much like to.

W: How many rasgullas can you eat? 

A: Four to five. 

W: What! Only five! What a tiny appetite you have!

A: Now let's have coffee.

W: Two coffees, please.

A: How did you like this dinner? 

W: Of, it wasn't much of a dinner.

A: Yes, it was just an apology for a dinner. Nothing is sweeter than home. 

W: Yes, distance lends charms to the view. 

A: Let's now hurry home. 

6. A dialogue between two friends about personal problem :

A: I have heard this word so many times. What is its meaning? 

B: It's very difficult to define it, but you can say extremely boring state. 

A: Isn't every second person passing through it? 

B: Rather, almost all of us are victims of it. 

A: Any definite reason of it? 

B: It's difficult to pinpoint one reason of it. 

A: It means, it has so many causes. 

B: Yes, exactly so. 

A: But why did you raise this question? 

B: Because I am also very frustrated. 

A: What's the cause of your frustration? 

B: I have been jobless for the last two years. 

A: Then, how do you manage? 

B: I can't give you the detail. 

A: Ok, don't. I had just asked that I might be helpful for you somehow. 

B: Sorry, I took it other way. 

A : Now, if you have got my point tell me whats your problem.

B: Actually, I have borrowed money from so many people. Some are pressurizing, some not, but I have to. 

A: You know, these things are very part of life. 

B: It's true but you know, I am not a man of strong nerves. 

A: Almost everyone is passing through one or the other form of injustice. 

B: Any tragedy of yours? 

A: Perhaps, because of carelessness of doctors, my daughter passed away some time ago. 

B: Oh! my God! 

A: Anyway, I will give you the money. Don't worry. 

A: You are really a generous person. 

B: No, only God is generous.

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